
Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc.

Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show 2025


Completed entry form must be received by us by Friday 14 February 2025

Artworks to be delivered to either Richmond or Nunawading by Sunday 23 March.

  1. Entry to the Contemporary Art Society's MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL FLOWER & GARDEN 2025 EXHIBITION is open to all artists working in a contemporary style.
  2. On submission of your entry on this form, you will be sent a confirmatory email summarizing all the details you have provided on this form.
  3. Please read the online entry conditions for this exhibition BEFORE completing and submitting this entry form. Click HERE to view the Melbourne International Flower & Garden CAS Exhibition ENTRY CONDITIONS (do this before you fill in the entry form).
  4. Your payment of entry fees must also be received by the exhibition entry deadline on Friday 14/2/2025.
  5. For this exhibition, all artworks are to be delivered to one of the two nominated CAS delivery points. (NOT the exhibition Buildings) You will be asked to select which delivery point you wish to deliver to. (Richmond or Nunawading) Sunday 23rd March. You will be given delivery / collection address location in confirmation email.
  6. After the end of the physical exhibition, all unsold artworks will be available for collection from one of the two nominated CAS collection points. (NOT the exhibition Buildings) You will collect from the same point you delivered to. (Richmond or Nunawading) Monday 31 March: strictly between 4pm 6pm.
  7. IMPORTANT: Please complete details below. Note fields marked with an asterisk  * are required. When you have entered all the information required press SUBMIT at the end of the form. _________________________________________________________________
Artworks delivery & collection points ... NOTE: the location you deliver to must match the location you collect from.


• For a SMALL artwork, height & width (Including frame/s) must be a TOTAL of up to 100cm. ie: 60cm x 40cm = 100cm. or: 50cm x 50cm = 100cm.
• For a LARGE artwork, height & width (Including frame/s) must be a TOTAL of up to 200cm. ie: 100cm x 100cm = 200cm. or: 80cm x 120cm = 200cm. NOTE: You may only enter ONE (1) LARGE artwork in this exhibition.






To participate in this exhibition, ALL entrants must assist with sitting ONE SLOT - either a half day of the exhibition AM or PM slot, or assisting with hanging / install /de-install of the exhibition, or some other tasks during exhibition. If you choose to NOT assist, a $60 non-assist fee applies. This applies to ALL exhibitors.

 IMPORTANT: ALL entrants are REQUIRED to assist, or pay the $60 non-assist fee. See conditions.

Give us your preferences for 4 different slots using the numbers 1 to 4 on the left side (list below). Note a '1' means first preference, '2' second preference - and so on.

We will try to allocate you to your first preference, but we cannot guarantee it, since some slots will be more popular than others. We assume you will want to sit only one slot, but let us know if you are available to sit more than one slot via the final option in the slot list below.

NOTE: We will contact you to confirm the time slot allocated to you.

Please indicate your desired PREFERENCE-ORDER for the sitting-sessions you have ticked above by recording (in the panel below) their assigned SESSION NUMBERS as listed above. Use the order: first preference, second preference, third preference, fourth preference - example: 5,8,10,11 (meaning, your first preference is session #5, second preference is session #8, etc.) PLEASE NOTE: Below are your preferred SITTING DATES (as chosen by you, and we will select your actual date taking info account your preferences as listed below.

If you wish to help with more than ONE (1) session, enter the number of sitting sessions you will help with. (One sitting-session is required).
  • You may enter up to a TOTAL of five artworks. Only ONE of these may be a LARGE artwork.
  • Examples:
    • You enter 5 x small artworks (at $15 each) = $75 entry fees.
    • You enter 1 large artwork at $30 and another 4 small to make a total of 5 entries. That's 4 x $15 (small artworks) = $60 + $30 = $90 entry fees.
  • If you choose to NOT help, then add the Non-Assist fee $60 to your total payable.
  • Please enter your total entry fees payable into the box below.
  • REMINDER: CAS members are REQUIRED to assist. CAS Members must pay non-assist fee if they are not able to assist.
NOTES: Small artworks: height plus width must not exceed 100cm (including frames). Large artworks: height plus width must not exceed 200cm (including frames)

Enter your total entry fees payable below (AU$ amount), and if you are NOT helping, don't forget to add-in your Non-Assist fee.

NOTE: Please visit our PAYMENT METHODS page after you submit this form where you will see more information about how to pay.

The Melbourne International Flower & Garden Exhibition Entry Conditions are HERE.

Yes, I understand and agree with the Conditions of Entry for the CAS Melbourne International Flower & Garden Exhibition. Confirm by ticking check-box below.

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