Herring Island Artists' Showcase 2025
Only financial members of the C.A.S. Inc. are eligible to enter works in this exhibition. Entrants must be financial for the 2024 - 2025 financial year. Years of membership are as per CAS records.
- SITTING: All Melbourne metropolitan exhibitors are required to sit one session of the exhibition, or assist with other duties in lieu (at co-ordinator's discretion). Preferences will be taken into account, but may not be available. If artist is unable to sit, a fee of $30 applies.
- ARTWORK ENTRIES: Each artist may enter up to THREE works. All artworks must remain on show for the exhibition duration. The cost of the each entry is $25. (for 2D artworks up to 122cm. see size).
SIZE: All 2 dimensional works must be no more than 122cm in height or width.
Works entered in any previous C.A.S. Exhibitions will be accepted.
Work may be in any stable medium, on any subject, and must be the original work of the artist entering it. If work/s are produced as multiples (bronzes, photographs, prints etc), the edition number and remaining works in that edition available must be recorded on the work and entry form.
All 2D works must be suitably framed (a stretched canvas is considered framed) & presented ready for hanging with wire and screw-eyes or similar attached securely to back. String, cord or fishing line cannot be accepted. Sculpture maximum weight limit is 30 kilograms. Sculptors must provide their own clean stands. Small sculptures should be secured to stand. NOTE: we have access to some stands - please email us for availability.
Entries must be clearly marked on back with the artist's name, address, phone number, title of work, dimensions, price and medium. (e.g: mixed media) Sculpture should be so marked underneath.
Works may be for sale. A 25% commission will be charged by C.A.S. Inc. on the catalogue price of all sales resulting from the exhibition. Cheques for all sold works during exhibition will be posted to entrant within 1 month of end of show. Any cheques for sales or refunded entry fees not cashed within 12 months of issue will be cancelled and no correspondence entered into.
C.A.S. Inc. does not collect G.S.T. All prices must be total selling price. Any G.S.T. liability between the artist and the A.T.O. remains the responsibility of the artist.
The C.A.S. Inc. exhibition committee reserves the right to select works for exhibition and to decline to exhibit any work. Our policy is “unselected” members/work/s will be fully refunded the entry fee: exception: unsafe or wet works will be rejected & entry fees will not be refunded. Any rejected works will be held for collection on collection day. The C.A.S. Inc. reserves the right to edit artists’ information submitted for the catalogue / website. The committee’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Entries close 5pm, on Friday 31 January 2025. Completed entry forms must be accompanied by correct payment and returned by online form. Late entries will not be accepted and will be returned to sender.
DELIVERY: All works must be delivered between 9.30am - 10.30am, Friday 7 February 2025 to The Gallery on Herring Island - access by Punt from Como Landing only.
COLLECTION: All unsold/unselected works must be collected from the Herring Island Gallery between 9.30am - 10.30am Monday 24 February.
If persons delivering or collecting works are to be other than those named on entry form, the Society must be notified in writing at least 24 hours prior to delivery / collection.
Any works not collected by artist/agent at the appointed time will incur a fee of $20 per day per work. The artist/agent must contact the Secretary to arrange collection. Works not released until payment made. Works remaining uncollected or fees unpaid after 7 days from close of exhibition shall immediately become the property of C.A.S. Inc., and may be sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such a manner as deemed fit, and thereafter the C.A.S. Inc. shall be under no liability whatever to the artist in respect of any work so destroyed or disposed of.
The C.A.S. Inc. will exercise reasonable care with work submitted, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever. Artists must arrange own insurance cover.
The C.A.S. Inc. reserves the right to photograph submitted artwork, and/or use image/s as supplied by artist for the society’s records, promoting this and future exhibitions & for catalogue & archival purposes (printed, electronic & web-based).