River Mapping
An exhibition by CAS Artist
Dierdre Edwards
Runs 23 May to 11 June 2012
43 Deakin Avenue Mildura
tel: 03 5022 0013
More info from the artist: "I have also released a book in conjunction with my exhibition. Until late June it will only be available at The Art Vault. The exhibition and book are a brief insight to the many travels I have taken along the Darling River from Wilcannia to Wentworth. My book will be available from my gallery with a link preview from my website. There are a limited edition signed and numbered hardcover with the 1st of 5 books having an etching included. There are also softcover. If you are in Mildura....come along anytime. The exhibition finishes 11th June 2012. I am at The Art Vault for nearly 2 weeks." - Dierdre Edwards