
Maryla Juchnowski

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updated: 9 November 2018

 1. What part of the process of creating art do you like best?

I enjoy taking photographs of Australian landscapes and interpreting these images in thread and textile.

2. What is your working environment like?

Working with threads doesn't take a lot of space so my working environment is mainly my coffee table and couch, which gets covered in threads and textiles and shared with my rescue cat

3. What kind of (formal & informal) art training have you had?

I am essentially self taught but I did complete a part time 6 month course with the Embroiderer’s Guild Textile Arts Certificate in 1985

4. Name some important influences and inspirations in your art career.

Traditional women's embroidery techniques and watercolour landscapes

5. List recent exhibitions of your work?

  • 2018 Contemporary Art Society Annual Exhibition
  • 2017 Contemporary Art Society Contemporary by Nature Exhibition Herring Island
  • 2016 Contemporary Arts Society Art at Burnley Harbour Exhibition
  • Ballarat Fibre Forum Exhibition, Ballarat Library
  • Contemporary Arts Society Annual Exhibition
  • Ballarat Fibre Forum: Good Fibrations
  • Mandy Bell and Friends exhibition Victorian Artists' Society
  • 2018 Contemporary Art Society: Contemporary by Nature Herring Island Summer Arts Festival
  • 2015 Ballarat Textile forum
  • 2014 Ballarat Textile forum

 6. Describe some highlight/turning points of your art career?

Employing photography for inspiration and interpretation of landscapes into thread

Art Image #1 Caption: Inspired by a photo taken of the Victorian snow country

Art Image #2 Caption: Inspired by an image of a Swedish river


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