
Brigitta Wolfram

Richmond Library Space, 415 Church St, Richmond

Beyond Remorse

An anthology of development and struggle in mixed media over the past six years

16 December 2012 - 18 February 2013

As you walk into the Richmond Library, the glass case in the foyer is filled with a tantalising display of inspirational post cards, photos, notes, works in progress, Chinese calligraphy and funeral money, brushes, ink and charcoal, bits of wrapping paper and other items that the artist uses to inspire her in creating her works.

Brigitta has aimed to create an idea of a mixed media artist's studio, with a range of material for visual influence, as well as actual use in the works themselves, with all sorts of things to tempt an artist – and intrigue the public!

Along with these visual references for inspiration, Brigitta is also influenced by the Art Brut, De Kooning, Russian icons, illuminated manuscripts, Odelon Redon, Vuillard, Blackman, Hester, Giotto – “... actually”, she wrote, “anything can penetrate my psyche, as long as it has an edge, whether quirky or macabre.”

Amongst the collection in the cabinet there is a powerful art work ‘In Grief Increases By Concealing, the Pain’. The expression on the face of the woman is compelling, which is drawn in black lines over mixed media collage. The title describes so well the evident pain - the work speaks for itself.


Of her work, Brigitta wrote: “Most of the work is non representational, though creatures, demons, and demigods, inhabit some works. Recurring themes of alienation, remorse, the earth’s possible demise and our potential for transformation are explored in an eclectic and irreverent approach. The daring to hope, the waiting, for things unknown, and the intangible search for self-realisation have great suggestive power.”

With disdain for the slick and superficial, the paintings are evocative, with an often dark, yet, non-literal narrative driving the physical act of painting. The images are therefore ambiguous and inchoate. The balancing act is ever present; to coax the resistant images that sit inside me, takes a ridiculous leap of faith when standing before a blank surface.”

Most of her works are collage, built up in layers of paint and various printed materials, and overlaid in paint or drawing, creating a richly layered and textured finish.

In the library there are five strong artworks, each has it’s own beauty, textures and individual strength. There does indeed seem to be darkness and sadness in her works, but a depth of beauty as well. Das Rheine Gold is a lovely textural abstract, with strong tones and flashes of red.

Roundup, Kill, Repeat is very pleasing in forms and colours – rich reds and blues, tempered with black and green-brown, and with the use of printed papers clearly visible to lend texture and form. However this work carries a dark story. It is about human nature, and how humans round up people (or animals, places, things), kill them, then move on to do the same thing to other people or places.

In Harm Her Delight and Mischief Her Skill - a delightful title - one can see an abstracted female bust emerging from behind something. Who is she, what wickedness is she up to, is she one of Brigitta's demons? It is an intriguing and enigmatic work! In Xeno Genesis, in rich reds, golds and ochres, Brigitta has used layers of paint and torn papers.

Overall this exhibition reflects upon Birgitta’s life experiences, challenges that she has faced, her search for self realisation, her love of art, and the exploration of the process of mixed media. I can highly recommend a visit to see this eclectic exhibition.

Review by Rosemary Mangiamele

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